Mailing Address P.O. Box 1075 | Oxon Hill, Maryland 20750 | | 301 567-5349

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Our Mission

Teach the business of music, help music artists create quality content that inspires music arts

Empty Space

Partnerships Streaming TV Network (SMP Network) & Media Information Programming (MIP Radio). SMP Network launches on the ROKU Television Media Platform and MIP Radio on TuneIn and multiple Internet Radio directories.

The music business scene is dynamic, though its music artist community is suffering from lack of music business knowledge. Artists train musically, but they lack the skills to navigate the tough music business for success. SMP Network and MIP Radio helps fills that void.

The SMP Network and MIP Radio are media outlets designed to empower music artists and help them market and promote successful careers across the globe. The media platforms present resources that create opportunities for music artists, and to increase networking between the viewing public, performance venues, promoters, television, radio, and social media service providers. The Network will boast live performances, and music business workshops by Music Business Educators and Facilitators conducting workshops, panel discussions, and artist development classes.

Why StrategicMP

Information is power, shared information is strategic power when used wisely it creates partnerships to help others achieve common goals and objectives.

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The selection of Key Organizational Partners involves the strategy of combining past partners and sponsors who supported programming events we developed for our community of youth and senior citizens.

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Client's Testimonials

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Strategic Music Partnerships

P.O Box 1075
Oxon Hill, MD 20750

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